Westend Dental
(780) 484-0808

Dental Terms

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Replantation Edmonton

Tooth replantation is a dental procedure involving the reinsertion and stabilization of a tooth that has been knocked out (avulsed) from its socket. This treatment aims to save and restore a dislodged tooth to its original position.

In most cases, tooth replantation is performed on permanent teeth, as primary teeth (baby teeth) typically have shorter roots and are less suitable for successful replantation. However, there may be exceptions, especially for canine teeth with longer roots. In certain situations, Dr. Alexandra Bendic at Westend Dental Clinic in Edmonton may choose to replant a primary tooth if there is a risk to the emerging permanent tooth.

The process of tooth replantation involves several steps:

  1. Local Anesthesia: Dr. Alexandra Bendic or an oral surgeon will administer a local anesthetic to numb the patient's gums and minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Reinsertion: The avulsed tooth is carefully reinserted into its socket, ensuring proper alignment.
  3. Splint Placement: A splint, typically made of wire and composite resin, is placed to anchor and stabilize the replanted tooth. This splint helps keep the tooth in its correct position for a specific duration.
  4. Root Canal Treatment (Optional): In some cases, the root canal nerve of the tooth may be removed and replaced with a plastic material before reinsertion.

The splint remains in place for a period ranging from two to six weeks. During this time, the tooth is observed for stability and signs of successful replantation.

It is crucial to handle the avulsed tooth with care to maximize the chances of successful replantation. When a tooth is knocked out, follow these steps:

  1. Handle the tooth by its crown (the top part), avoiding contact with the root.
  2. Rinse the tooth gently with saline solution or milk to remove dirt or debris. Do not clean or brush the tooth, as this may damage fibroblasts on the root surface.
  3. Keep the tooth moist. Place it in milk or a tooth-preserving kit like Save-a-Tooth (R), which contains a medium to preserve fibroblasts on the tooth's root surface.

Seek immediate dental care within 30 minutes of the tooth avulsion, as fibroblasts begin to deteriorate after this time. Quick treatment increases the chances of successful replantation. In some cases, synthetic fibroblasts can substitute the patient's own connective tissue cells.

If the avulsed tooth is a primary tooth, it should also be rinsed and kept moist. Consult Dr. Alexandra Bendic to determine whether replantation is appropriate based on an examination of the gums and the emerging permanent tooth. X-rays may be taken to assess the timing of the permanent tooth's eruption. Occasionally, an artificial spacer may be placed in the space left by the primary tooth until the permanent tooth emerges.

Prior to tooth replantation, any gum injuries are addressed. Dr. Alexandra Bendic may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection, recommend cold compresses to reduce swelling, and, if necessary, perform stitches to repair gum lacerations. X-rays may be taken to assess potential injuries to the jawbone or adjacent teeth.

Expert Dental Care for Tooth Replantation

If you or a loved one experiences a tooth avulsion, it is essential to act quickly and preserve the tooth before seeking professional dental care. Our skilled team at Westend Dental Clinic, led by Dr. Alexandra Bendic, is experienced in handling dental emergencies, including tooth replantation. We are dedicated to providing prompt, high-quality care to help save your tooth.

Contact Us for Immediate Assistance

If you require tooth replantation or have any concerns about dental emergencies, please contact our practice at (780) 484-0808. We are conveniently located at 17303 Stony Plain Rd in Edmonton, AB, and we are here to assist you in preserving your dental health.

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  • Our dental clinic has been servicing Edmonton community for the past 30 years.
  • Our mission is to provide patients with oral care in a warm, cheerful and relaxed environment.
  • Our goal is for you to keep your teeth functional and healthy, and maintain a long-term partnership with you based on trust and respect.
  • Our location is convenient and has elevator access. Free parking is available during the appointment.
  • Our staff is friendly and well trained.
  • Our clinic accommodates new patients. Dental emergencies are seen based on schedule availability and referred accordingly.

For the healthiest gums use these formulas for brushing, flossing, massaging gums, mouth-rinses, proxa-brushes, sulca-brushes, rubber-tip stimulators to overcome sensitive teeth, to ease the recovery of oral surgery, and for general overall cavity prevention.

A beautiful smile can give patients a lifetime of happiness!

(780) 484-0808