Bite, in dentistry, refers to the way the upper and lower teeth come together when closing the mouth. It plays a crucial role in your oral health and overall comfort.
Interested in learning more about your dental health and bite alignment? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Alexandra Bendic at Westend Dental Clinic by calling (780) 484-0808. We are conveniently located at 17303 Stony Plain Rd in Edmonton, AB.
Gums, also known as gingiva, play a crucial role in your oral health by surrounding the necks of teeth and covering the alveolar parts of the jaws. They are an integral par
For the healthiest gums use these formulas for brushing, flossing, massaging gums, mouth-rinses, proxa-brushes, sulca-brushes, rubber-tip stimulators to overcome sensitive teeth, to ease the recovery of oral surgery, and for general overall cavity prevention.
A beautiful smile can give patients a lifetime of happiness!
(780) 484-0808